Posted By: Rich Shipley, 7/18/2002 1:05:00 AM. Last Modified By: name withheld, . Views: 6705
Sunday, May 26th, 2002
A little late, but I thought it might be nice to post a report on the Puerto Rico tournament that Jamie and I hosted a couple weeks ago.
Sixteen people attended and a total of 18 games were played. We had three meals (muffins for breakfast, grilled hamburgers & hot dogs for lunch, & vegetarian chili for dinner). The event was also a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and we raised $225.
The format allowed playing as many games as you wanted since you could gain or lose points for a game. Ten people ended up with positive point totals, 5 with negative, and 1 exactly at zero at the end of the day (Hi Brian).
Doug Mercer set an early target score by winning two and coming in second in two other games for a total of 13 points before he had to leave. Christian Leonard played solidly through the day and ended up with 10 points in five
games with two wins. John Webber scored his one win in the last game of the day to tie Christian for third place with 10 points.
Harold Siegelman had three wins in his first five games, but coming in fourth in his sixth game put him in a tie for first with Doug at 13 points. He came through with a win in his seventh game and a total of 17 points.
Congatulations Harold!
The only other player to play seven games was Victor Hutcherson, whose tournament low total of -11 was only blemished by 2 points in the plus column from a second place in his third game (ahead of Harold!).
After the success of this event I'm sure we'll host similar ones in the future.