GCOM logo by Kristen Meyer
Services Available Thru GCOM

 Forgotten Username/Password
 About GCOM
     Code of Conduct
 Hosts and Locations
     Location Flier
     Contact Info
     GCOM Limited
     Host and Location Resources
     Games We Play
 Conventions and Special Events
 Regional Game Stores
 Slide Shows

  1. Thirty-one locations across four states and growing.
  2. Open Gaming space.
  3. Use of games and gaming equipment.
  4. Game Days Convention
  5. Euro Quest Convention  http://euroquest.gamesclubofmd.org/
  6. GCOM Family Picnic
  7. Special events including Gaming Retreat, Family Picnic, DERail, Holiday Gaming Party
  8. Convention Information
  9. GCOM Limited (new location type)
  10. Communications and coordination with hobby enthusiasts
  11. Use of Gaming Library
  12. Use of Gaming Resources
  13. GCOM Logo Products available at the Reisterstown location, and at Cafepress.com.
  14. Opponents Wanted
  15. GCOM flyer
  16. GCOM news
  17. GCOM Web page
  18. Listing of local gaming events
  19. GCOM Membership / Recognition
  20. Weekly communication and gaming news via e-mail list
    (this service is available to both GCOM members and non-GCOM-members)
  21. GCOM discussion Boards and Blogs.
  22. Personalized Membership Business Cards
  23. Personalized Gaming Box Labels
  24. Personalized Location Fliers
  25. Origins Game Fair discount (All GCOM Members)
  26. iGive.com
  27. More services to come!

Personalized GCOM Game Box Labels

The GCOM game box Labels are available to any Active GCOM Member.

  • GCOM Supporting members are entitled to one free order per calendar year.
  • GCOM Patron members are entitled to two free order per calendar year.
  • GCOM Board members are entitled to three free orders.
There is a processing fee of $2.00 for each sheet of 30 labels. 30 labels(1 sheet) = $2.00, 60 labels (2 sheets) = $4.00, 90 labels (3 sheets) = $6.00, 120 Labels (4 sheets) = $8.00, 150 labels(5 sheets) = $10.00.

The labels will be printed with your personal information on them. E-mail the information below to gamesclubofmaryland@gmail.com.  Allow up to three weeks for printing and delivery. Labels can be mailed to any location in the United States. There is a one dollar ($1.00) charge for postage.

The labels are great to use for:
  • labeling your game collection.
  • return address label for postal mail
  • labeling any items that you take to conventions or trips
  • At Gaming Conventions
Order information:
Complete parts I, II, and III below.
  1. Include the following information with your e-mail and/or regular mail
    1. How many sheets you want to order.
    2. The shipping address to ship the labels to.
    3. The name and a sample of any specific print font you wish to use on the labels. (For example, Times New Roman)
  2. The label information will appear as follows:
    • Line 1. Any information you want to add. Otherwise we will print "Games Club of Maryland."
    • Line 2. Your full name.
    • Line 3. Your postal street address.
    • Line 4. Your postal City, State and Zip code.
    • Line 5. Your e-mail address.
  3. Contact and Payment
    1. E-mail above information to: gamesclubofmaryland@gmail.com
    2. Fulfill one of the payment options listed at GCOM Contact Info.

GCOM Location Fliers

GCOM is offerring to print 100 fliers per year for any location, to be delivered or shipped to your location. Fliers must be 8 1/2 x 11, single sided, black-and-white. Fliers should be e-mailed to Normal Rule, and must be approved by the GCOM Board of Directors.

Use of Gaming Resources

GCOM owns the organizational and event resources listed below. With GCOM Board approval, GCOM Supporting Members may borrow any of the following items for offical GCOM events or GCOM-sponsored events. A mimimum of eight weeks notice is recommended to obtain approval and possession of items needed. For additional information contact GCOM President, Normal Rule at gcom@gamesclubofmd.org.

  1. canopy
  2. card tables (two)
  1. two extension cords
  2. two surge protectors
  3. pencil sharpener
  1. flyers
  2. manila tab folders
  3. hanging folders
  4. plastic letter file storage box
  5. #10 envelopes
  6. note pads: large 8 ½” X 11”, small 5”x 8”
  7. lined index cards
  8. address labels
  9. business card stock
  10. .
  11. clipboards (six)
  12. small plastic box (to hold pens and pencils)
  13. pencil sharpener
  14. plastic in box trays (six)
  1. plastic display flyer/magazine racks (four)
  2. acrylic sign holders (2 horizontal, 2 vertical, 7 slant)
  3. dry erase board with easel & *markers
  4. GCOM logo banners with *rope (two)
Event Registration
  1. cash box (two)
    1. one light duty with change compartments
    2. one heady duty for multi purpose valuable storage
  2. badge stock
  3. badge file box
Food accessories
  1. medium size cooler
  2. plastic utensils (forks, spoons)


Games Club of Maryland E-mail lists

  • GCOM uses three e-mail lists.
    Anyone can sign up to be on List one: biweekly e-mail or List two:bi-monthly e-mail.
    List three is for GCOM Supporting & Patron Members only.
  • All e-mail Lists are optional.
  • GCOM members are automatically added to both e-mail list One and list two unless they request otherwise.
  • GCOM Supporting & Patron Members are automatically added to list three unless they request otherwise.
  • GCOM membership is not required to be on list One or list Two. All GCOM E-mail is sent using a blind copy of an e-mail group, which does not show individual e-mail addresses.
  • E-mail addresses are not forwarded or given to anyone. If you give your permission to release your e-mail address, it will only be released to the one party or person requesting it.

  1. Bi-Weekly e-mail or Regular e-mail list
    You will get e-mail about once every other week if you are on this e-mail list. Weekly e-mails are generally targeted towards GCOM members and regional gamers and often contain information of interest to the general gaming public. Since GCOM has over thirty locations in several states, we consider regional gamers to be anyone on the East Coast.

    Bi-Weekly e-mails contain:
    1. Upcoming GCOM gaming sessions schedules
    2. Upcoming regional gaming events
    3. Invitations to special gaming events
    4. Regional gaming convention information
    5. GCOM gaming services
      1. Finding games
      2. Finding places to play
      3. Finding people to play
      4. Obtaining any gaming information
    6. Regional gaming news and information

    All gamers on the bi-weekly e-mail list will automatically be on the bi-monthly e-mail list. (See below.)

  2. Bi-Monthly e-mail or General e-mail list
    You will recieve e-mail about once every other month if you are on this e-mail list. Bi-monthly e-mails are targeted towards all gamers

    Bi-Monthly e-mail contains:
    1. Convention information
    2. National gaming news and information
    3. Major GCOM events and announcements
    4. Assistance with gaming services for other clubs or gamers

  3. Supporting and Patron Member e-mail list
    You will receive e-mails about once per week if you are on this e-mail list. This e-mail list is targeted to GCOM members that wish to have additional knowledge, involvement & opportunity with GCOM and other gaming events.

    Supporting & Patron member e-mail contians:
    1. information to become involved with planning and assisting with GCOM and other gaming events
    2. invitations to GCOM Board meeting
    3. nvitations to special events
    4. "insider" and early knowledge of gaming events & happenings
    5. information for election of GCOM Board officers

Personalized Membership Business Cards

The GCOM business cards are available to any Active GCOM Member.
  • GCOM Supporting members are entitled to one free order per calendar year.
  • GCOM Patron members are entitled to two free order per calendar year.
  • GCOM Board members are entitled to unlimited free orders.
There is a processing fee of $1.00 for every ten cards. 10 cards =$1.00, 20=$2.00, 30=$3.00, 40=$4.00, 50=$5.00. Fifty (50) cards is the maximum for one order.

The business cards will be printed with your personal information on them.  E-mail the information below to gamesclubofmaryland@gmail.com.  Allow three weeks for printing and delivery. Business cards can be mailed to any location in the United States. There is a one dollar ($1.00) charge for postage.

The cards are great to give out when:

  • You are talking about gaming with someone that wants to get involved in the hobby.
  • You need to give someone your e-mail address or phone number
  • At Games Club of Maryland gaming sessions
  • At Gaming Conventions

Order information:
Complete parts I, II, and III below

I. Include the following information with your e-mail and/or regular mail

  1. How many sheets you want to order.
  2. The shipping address to ship the cards to.
  3. The name and a sample of any specific print font you wish to use on the cards. For example, Times New Roman
II. The Business Card Information will appear as follows:
  • Line 1.  Your full name.
  • Line 2.  Your date of initial GCOM membership. "Member Since ______ "
  • Line 3.  Your street address.
  • Line 4.  Your City, State and Zip code.
  • Line 5.  Your home phone number.
  • Line 6.  Your e-mail address.
  • Line 7.  Any information you want to add. If you chose not to add anything then the GCOM website address will be added as follows: www.gamesclubofmd.org

III. Contact and Payment

  1. E-mail above information to: gamesclubofmaryland@gmail.com
  2. Fulfill one of the payment options listed at GCOM Contact Info.

Games Club of Maryland Logo Products.

New and Very Cool Products
Featuring the Games Club of Maryland Logo At CafePress.com
Go to www.cafespress.com/gamesclubofmd.

One note of warning: Do not pay for the optional two day shipping; It took six business days for me (Keith) to get my two day order.

Apparel: sweatshirt, hoddies, t-shirt (short and long sleeved), golf shirt
Housewares: Mug, Large Mug, stein, coaster, tilebox, mousepad, wall clock, BBQ apron
Stickers: oval & rectangular.
Bags: tote bag
Cards: greeting cards, postcards, small poster

Some product samples are avialable for viewing at GCOM-Reisterstown.

Origins is a 24-hour game convention in Columbus, Ohio at the Greater Columbus Convention Center with Registration opening at 7 a.m. on the Wednesday June 25th, 2008 (games starting at 8 a.m.) running 'till 8 p.m. on the 29th. Registration is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday (and 'till 4 p.m. on Sunday) and though game-playing is 24 hours a day, games tend to be between 8 a.m. and Midnight. The Exhibit Hall is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday - Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.


Discounts for members to attend Origins (50% off current ticket prices for members attending who are not otherwise getting badges for Game Mastering or Volunteering.

There is no on-site discount. Remember you need to register/create a log in with Origins to get to that page. Origins uses event tickets and those are not discounted for being a club member.  Just your entry badge is discounted.

There is no limit to how many members can get Club discounted badges.  They have to pre-reg them from the Origins website and there is a badge on the website that says: "2008 Club Pre-Reg Full Show Badge"

Games Club of Maryland is now listed with iGive.com!

This is a site where people choose a charity and a portion of sales via a lot of shopping websites gets kicked back to the club. Amazon, eBay, etc give kickbacks ... something like .05%-3% of sales.


1) Charitably-minded individuals join iGive.com (It's free! Always!)

2) iGive members select a worthy cause to support. Over 30,000 organizations raise money through iGive.com, with more added every day.

3) iGive members shop online through iGive.com. Over 680 brand-name online stores participate, with more added every week.

4) Up to 26% of each purchase is donated to the member's designated cause!