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GCOM Products at CafePress.Com

Posted By:  name withheld, 10/8/2002 8:59:00 PM.
Last Modified By:  name withheld, .
Views:  7127

New and Very Cool Products
Featuring the Games Club of Maryland Logo At CafePress.com
Go to www.cafeshops.com.

Here is a copy of the page and the products that are currently avialable (One note of warning: Do not pay for the optional two day shipping; It took six business days for me to get my two day order.)

Apparel: sweatshirt, t-shirt, golf shirt
Housewares: Mug, Large Mug, coaster, mousepad, wall clock, flying disc
Auto: small sticker, travel mug
Bags: tote bag, laptop style briefcase, backpack

Some product samples are avialable for viewing at GCOM-Reisterstown.

Thanks, Keith