Posted By: name withheld, 10/8/2002 9:27:00 PM. Last Modified By: name withheld, 10/8/2002 9:28:00 PM. Views: 7289
On October 4th, 2002, the bylaws were adopted by GCOM Founder, Keith Levy.
1. ALL Games Club of Maryland Board of Director nominations MUST be e-mailed (turned in) to by Saturday, October 12th, 2002.
2. All nominees must provide acceptance or decline of nomination offers by Saturday, October 18th, 2002.
3. If board nominees wish to submit a statement with thier acceptance of a nomination, it must also be submitted by October 18th, 2002
4. The first Election Day for the Board of Director will be held on Wednesday, November 20th, 2002 at GCOM-Reistertown.
5. All GCOM members are eligable to vote and highly encouraged to do so.
6. You DO NOT need to be present on Election day to vote.
7. Ballots will be made available at all GCOM Locations. Ballots will also be made available via e-mail if you are unable to attend a GCOM location between the time the ballots are made available and November 20th.
8. Specific instructions on handling of the ballots will precede distribution of the ballots.
9. A complete version of the adoped by-laws will be e-mailed out within a few days. The next news item contains the Articles dealing with the Board of Directors and voting.
10. Submit any questions to:
A. Neil Mciver: By-laws coordinator
B. Rich Shipley: Voting and Ballot coodinator
C. Keith Levy: GCOM Founder
Thanks, Keith