Posted By: name withheld, 10/8/2002 9:30:00 PM. Last Modified By: name withheld, 10/8/2002 9:31:00 PM. Views: 6305
ARTICLE IV - Board of Directors
1. The GCOM Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") shall consist of the Officers of GCOM as specified in Article V, and a number of "at large" directors not to exceed three (3). Each office is to be served in two (2) year terms.
2. Board officers shall receive no remuneration for serving in such capacities. Reimbursement for any expenses incurred in connection with their duties shall be as authorized by the Board and paid by the Treasurer.
3. The Board has the authority to represent GCOM to other organizations, handle GCOM business duties, call meetings, approve GCOM expenditures, appoint committee chairpersons, remove Board members by three-quarters majority vote and adopt resolutions consistent with carrying out the purposes of GCOM set forth in Article II. The Board shall take only those actions and make only those representations delegated by these by-laws or authorized by GCOM resolution.
4. The GCOM board shall review, approve, and set standards for any official GCOM locations or events.
5. In all board votes, abstentions shall not be considered in determining the degree of majority.
ARTICLE V - Board Members and their Duties
1. The officers shall be the President, the Vice-president, the secretary, and the treasurer.
2. The President shall:
a) preside at all business meetings of the Board of Directors,
b) recommend appointment of chairpersons and committees,
c) represent GCOM in matters of importance to GCOM,
d) authorize special expenditures of GCOM for operation of GCOM and in keeping with the resolutions of the Board of Directors and its budget, and
e) prepare agendas and communicate with the members of the board.
3. The Vice-President shall:
a) serve as acting President, Secretary and Treasurer to the maximum extent possible when any of those officers are temporarily unable to serve,
b) assist the President in any presidential duty as requested by the President,
c) automatically assume the office of President in the event that office is vacated.
4. The Secretary shall:
a) keep a record of all GCOM meetings and other Board activities, and facilitate communications with members,
b) prepare a ballot to be provided to the membership in accordance with the stipulations in Article VI (Elections),
c) record duly enacted changes to these by-laws.
d) provide each Board member with a copy of the minutes of each meeting, and
e) provide each GCOM member with a current copy of GCOM's bylaws upon request.
5. The Treasurer shall:
a) establish account(s), bank or otherwise, of GCOM, as approved by the Board,
b) establish procedures for the depositing of funds and the maintenance of GCOM properties,
c) receive and disburse all funds of GCOM as authorized by the Board of Directors whether authorized individually or as part of a budget,
d) maintain a record of all financial transactions, make all financial records available to all Board Members, and provide a financial report at every meeting in such detail and form as approved by the Board.
6. All Officers and Directors at Large shall:
a) be present at all Board Meetings, discuss present matters and vote their consciences in accordance with the best interests of GCOM.
b) be reponsible for assisting with duties, promotions and tasks to further the causes of GCOM.
ARTICLE VI - Election of Board Members
1. Elections shall be held every even numbered year during an Annual Meeting scheduled within 60 but not less than 30 days prior to the start of the next fiscal year. The day of the Annual Meeting in which elections are held shall be known as Election Day. The Board shall schedule Election Day at least 30 days in advance.
2. Any Supporting Member may be nominated to the Board by any other Supporting Member. Upon accepting the nomination, each nominee shall submit to the Secretary a list of Board positions for which he or she is running. If running for multiple positions, the candidate shall list the positions from most to least desired. All nominations must be submitted to the Secretary not less than 30 days prior to Election Day. Nominees may include written statements, not to exceed 300 words, along with this submission.
3. The method of election shall be the "Approval Method", whereby voters shall indicate approval or disapproval for each candidate of every board position.
4. A suitable ballot shall be made available to the membership not less than 30 days before Election Day. The ballot design must ensure confidentiality, such that individual voter preference is concealed, and security so that only qualified voters are able to submit ballots, and that qualified voters can submit only one ballot.
5. The ballot shall provide instructions for return to the Secretary prior to the Final Call for ballots during the Annual Meeting on Election Day. All ballots returned to the Secretary shall remain sealed until after the Final Call for ballots, at which time they shall all be unsealed and counted.
6. In the order of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors at Large, the Board positions are evaluated as follows:
a. If the candidate winning the highest approval count for the office has not won any other office, the candidate shall be awarded that office.
b. If the candidate winning the highest approval count for the office has also won the highest approval count for any other office, that candidate shall be awarded the won office listed highest on the list previously submitted to the Secretary as per section 2.
c. In the event two or more candidates are tied for a single office, the winner shall be determined by having a die rolled for each tying candidate in view of all attendees at the Annual Meeting. The candidate credited with the higher value shall be considered the winner of the highest approval count for that office. Ties shall not be resolved until the disposition of one of the involved candidates is being considered.
d. If the candidate winning the most votes for an office has been previously awarded a different office, that candidate shall be disqualified from that office, and the next highest vote winner shall be considered the candidate winning the most votes for the office.
e. The award process shall be repeated for each office until it is awarded to a candidate.
f. In the case of Directors at Large, candidates (the number of which correspond to the number of available positions) with the highest approval counts shall be awarded the office.
7. Preexisting officers shall retain their positions on the Board until 12:01 AM of the first day of the next fiscal year, at which time the newly elected Board Members shall assume office.
8. Any vacant Board position except president shall be filled by appointment approved by a simple majority vote of the Board. The appointee must be a Supporting Member and be willing to accept the appointment. Such appointments shall take effect immediately upon appointment and acceptance.