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4th Annual Christmas Gaming Party

Posted By:  name withheld, 11/3/2002 4:24:00 AM.
Last Modified By:  name withheld, .
Views:  8031

(posted for Scott Buckwalter)

4th Annual Christmas Gaming Party!
(PDF version)

Scott Buckwalter’s house
December 7th - 11:00 am to late
(last year we played until 1:00am)

Not required, but please bring something. It’s potluck!
I will be making a Turkey!

16316 Yeoho Road
Sparks, MD 21152
(410) 472-6930

RSVP: sbuckwalter@home.com (not necessary, but appreciated)

From the Baltimore Beltway

  1. Take 83 North
  2. Take exit at Belfast Road turning left (west). (Note: This is the first exit north of Shawan Road, which is where WBC/BPA is held)
  3. Turn Right on to Yeoho Road (1½ mile or so)
  4. Go past first Stop Sign, house is on left (2 miles)
  5. House is yellow and sits 100 yards off the road; it’s at the bottom of the hill.