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Saturday Games at Westminster GCOM!

Posted By:  name withheld, 4/17/2003 9:09:00 PM.
Last Modified By:  name withheld, .
Views:  6845

Posted for Neil McIver:

I'm happy to report we have received formal approval for gaming on Saturdays at Jerusalem Lutheran Church, and we have picked out our first Saturday session for May 17, 2003.

There are a few conditions.

1) The procedure for reserving the room is to notate a game session for an available Saturday on calandar in the church hall. That calandar *may* not reflect all church activities, so we might inadvertently choose a Saturday which is actually unavailable. That should not happen, but it may happen. If it does happen, we need to be prepared to cancel our session when/if a conflict is discovered.

2) The Hall is routinely cleaned on Saturday mornings. That should be complete by 9 AM so we should probably not schedule any Saturday start times prior to 10 AM.

3) Because the hall is cleaned before we use it and the church is in use on Sunday's, we will need to be sure we do a good job cleaning up after ourselves. (We've received no complaints about our current clean-ups, but .... that note came along with the approval to use the hall on Saturdays so I'm passing it on).

They are seeking no fee to use the hall, so we are enjoying their generousity.

There is only one thing we must do prior to May 17, and that is to choose a starting time and since this is a first, I'd like solicit some input from likely attendees as to what time you would want to start. So far one person has indicated he can start at 10 AM but unless there are at least 3 or 4 people that are up for that, I'd prefer to start later so no one shows up and waits 2 hours for the next person to show. But if there are just a few people interested in starting at 10 AM then we'll start then. Otherwise Noon-2 PM would be the start time. We will continue until however late we want. Some will likely stay as late at 2-3 AM Sunday.

If you plan to attend, please let me know what time you expect to arrive. Whatever time we choose will probably be the time we use for future Saturday sessions, so your input will likely affect scheduling for the forseeable future. Once we pick a date, it will be notated on the
GCOM website. We have no set pattern for Saturday sessions as yet but hope to have them as often as once per month.

Finally, for those who don't know May 2-4 is Games Day Weekend in Cockeysville. See http://www.gamesclubofmd.org/GamesDay2003.asp for more information. It's a great time with tons of people and you can count on seeing the entire GCOM inventory of games there. I highly recommend it.

The next GCOM Westminster Tuesday sessions are Apr 29 and May 6th.

If there are any questions, please let me know.

Neil McIver
GCOM Westminster