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Games Day 2003 - Attendee Remarks

Posted By:  name withheld, 5/13/2003 9:51:00 PM.
Last Modified By:  name withheld, 5/13/2003 9:52:00 PM.
Views:  7129

All of the following remarks were sent to and gathered by Keith, following Games Day 2003...

I was at the GCOM Games Day yesterday and it was a lot of fun. Good people, new games, and a cordial atmosphere made for a satisfying time. I was the 82nd person to sign up on Saturday and I thought that they had a good turnout. Keith Levy was a great host and helped everyone to feel welcome and comfortable. Really, really family oriented. Two other local Go players were there: Todd Heidenreich and Juan Pablo Quizon. They introduced GO to several people and had a good time learning other new games as well. I managed to learn Bohnanza and Paris Paris so my time wasn’t entirely misspent.

FYI, there are two GCOM clubs in the Dream Wizards immediate vicinity: Potomac and Silver Spring. Doug Hoylman and Karl Musser are the hosts there. They might be worth contacting as regards your plan to vitalize Tuesday nights. I will be out of town this week, but will drop in next weekend to pick up the booster Magic packs for the Beltsville Magic Tournament on the 17th. I’ll share more of my impressions with you then.

John Goon
American Go Association -Community Outreach Coordinator


Dear Keith,
Thank you very much for hosting the Games Day. We all enjoyed playing games and seeing friendly people.

Sincerely, Lisa Glassco

It was good to see you and the host of GCOM folks that I know at the recent Games Day. I had a great time, playing in three games. Wish I could've stayed longer, but my ride was leaving. I had planned on coming back the following day, but got a late start and had to prepare for my upcoming meetings that week.

The first game was Citadels. It was a game I'd long considered buying, and heard many good things about, but never got around to it. It was a goal of mine to play this game, and I have to say, I'm glad I finally did. I actually tied for the win, but more important, I had a great time, and have found yet another game that MUST be in my collection!

Then I played Risk 2210. Longer game then I usually like to get involved in during these types of events, but it was a lot of fun. I managed a respectable showing, finishing either first or second depending upon who was counting < grin > and this while having had a very bad start, and seemed to be destined for a last place finish.

Finally, Steve Quade and I couldn't resist, and we broke out the "Collectable crack" aka HeroClix. What can I say, I'm a comic book aficionado, so this game just naturally appeals to me. Wound up losing, but having a buch of fun.

Ron Wuerth


You've definitely got a great gaming group going on up there in Md., Keith. Almost makes me want to live closer to that area. Almost. Until I get tied up in traffic on the Beltway trying to get anywhere!

Thanks again for a great gaming experience!

Ron Wuerth
Systems Administrator