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Euro Quest Now Has a Vendor!

Posted By:  name withheld, 6/26/2003 8:47:00 PM.
Last Modified By:  name withheld, .
Views:  7448

The Boardgame Players Association and Games Club Of Maryland are proud to announce the official vendor at Euro Quest...

Game Surplus (http://www.gamesurplus.com)

Here are some of the great games that will be available at Euro Quest from Game Surplus:

Carrcassone, Lost Cities, Medici, Puerto Rico, Settlers of Catan, Tikal, Amun Re, Bean Trader, El Grande, Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, Settlers of Catan, Settlers of Catan-Cities and Knights, Settlers of the Stone Age, Trans America, Citadelles, Vinci, Starfarers and the Hot new game to be announced.

Euro Quest will be available as a pick up point for any online orders placed by October 17th, 2003.
Game Surplus will be in operation at Euro Quest as follows: Friday: 7-10 pm, Saturday: 10am-9pm, Sunday: 10am-2pm

For up to date vendor details check out the Game Surplus website at http://www.gamesurplus.com