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GCOM Website Updates

Posted By:  name withheld, 7/6/2003 8:43:00 PM
Views:  6925

Our New Home
Our www.gamesclubofmd.org domain name is back up and running and the website is now at a new ISP: iHost.biz!!! Please do not use the IP address to get to the site. If you do, you will get the standard "this site has moved" page and will be redirected.

Where is That Durn Menu Item?
As we now have more than a few items on the left-hand menu, it's now sorted alphabetically (more or less) except for the Home link. Even I (who is on the site EVERY day) got tired of the unorganized look.

Just the FAQs, Ma'am
I have added a section -- GCOM FAQ -- for Help and Frequently Asked Questions. I only posted a few questions to start with but then Keith responded to my Yahoo Groups posting and provided me with a bunch of general GCOM Q & A's.

Who am I?
On the Login page I have added a checkbox below the password box. Click it and sign-on successfully. The site will store a cookie to remember your user id and fill the user id box in the next time you go to the login page. At least, that's the plan. At the moment, I'm having problems convincing IE to acknowledge the existence of the cookie. So, if you're successful with this, please let me know
(and if you want to take a moment and tell me what browser/version you're using, I'd appreciate it!).

You Call This Privacy???
Since we're now (attempting) to use cookies, I have updated the Privacy Statement to cover such.

Oh Yeah, my Password is "S@#@#OSFFQ&^#IOSA"
In the interest of a little tighter security, the passwords are now stored in the database in an encrypted form.

You're Such a Card
Details regarding the Personalized GCOM Business Cards have changed a bit. Go to the "services" menu item and read about it!