Posted By: name withheld, 7/20/2003 7:02:00 PM Views: 7188
Many updates have been performed upon the GCOM website recently, so to summarize them...
1. Much of the Euro Quest tournament info has now been posted. Only relatively minor changes should be necessary from here on out.
2. The Euro Quest web pages have been organized into a "Sub" website ("subdomain" or "host header" for you webmasters). It is now known as If you navigate to the Euro Quest website from within the existing GCOM website you shouldn't notice anything. Anyone with a bookmark or link on their site still pointing at will see a standard "website has moved" page and then be automatically redirected to the new site.
3. I have also done the same with the Games Day web pages. They are now known as
Thank you and good night,
GCOM Website Webwrecker