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New Locations: Hillendale, Parkville, Salisbury

Posted By:  name withheld, 7/2/2004 3:27:00 AM
Views:  7117

GCOM has three new locations opening during the month of July.

On Sunday, July 11th, the Hillendale location opens. It is hosted by Rich Shipley (our current GCOM Treasurer) and Jamie Tang, in their home. For those of you who are relatively new to GCOM, Rich used to host the Joppatown/Bel Air location back in 1999. Another race in the ongoing Formula De Tournament will be held during this initial meeting.

On Saturday, July 17th, the Salisbury location opens and extends GCOM's reach across the Chesapeake Bay into Wicomico County, Maryland. The Salisbury meetings will be held at Illusions Games & Comics; Neil McIver is the host. Neil used to be the Westminster host and he is one of the three current GCOM Directors-at-Large.

On Sunday, July 18th, the third new location opens in Parkville at the home of Eric and Michelle Hymowitz. Michelle is also one of the current GCOM Directors-at-Large as well as the current Host of the Columbia location!

How about some quick statistics?

With the new locations coming online in July, there will be a record high 38 -- yes, that's THIRTY-EIGHT -- GCOM meetings during the month. The only day of the week where there are no recurrent meetings is Monday. Take a quick look at the website Calendar and see for yourself!

Have a good one,
(GCOM Website WebMaster)