Posted By: Keith Levy, 6/5/2002 3:12:00 PM. Last Modified By: name withheld, 8/13/2002 9:33:00 PM. Views: 8219
GCOM was at WBC 2002 in mass.
The following GCOM members were spotted at the convention.
Total GCOM attendance: thirty nine (39).
Scott Buckwalter
Bill Cleary
Susan Dyer
Mark Franceschini
Chuck Frascati
Lisa Goldstein
Michelle Goldstein, GM- RA, 2001 Champion - RA
Don Greenwood, BPA President and Convention Manager
Charles Hickok
Stan Hilinski-GM-Atilla
Dan Hoffman
Doug Hoylman
Eric Hymowitz, GM- Carcassonne
JJ-Joe Jaskiewicz
Ed Karpiwith
Ben Knight, GM- Starship Troopers
Bryan Kornele
John Koski
Pierre LeBoeuf, GM- 18XX- Looking for team
Keith Levy, GM- Risk
Mark Love, GM – Monsters Ravage America, 2001 Champion -Gangsters
Dan Mathias, GM- Shogun/Samurai Swords
Doug Mercer
Kurt Miller
Karl Musser
Michael Pustilnik
Steven Quade
John Paul (JP) Roberts, III
Bill Scott-2001 Champion- Panzerblitz
Rich Shipley-GM-Empire Buider
Harold Siegelman - GM- Mexica
Jeff Spaner
Forrest Speck
Brian Stallings
Brian Sutton
Jamie Tang- 2001 Champion – Union Pacific
Stuart Tucker -– BPA Vice President- GM - Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage
John Weber- GM – Princes of Florence, Puerto Rico
Jim Yerkey – GM – Diplomacy, 2001 Champion - Empire Builder
1. GCOM Express: Scott Buckwalter-Galaxy, Michelle Goldstein-Carcasonne, Keith Levy-Axis And Allies and
John Weber-prices of Florence.
2. GCOM IGMABLY: Pierre Lebouf-18xx, JP Roberts-Carcassone, Dan Hoffman-Tikal, Brian Stallings-Taj Mahal
3. GCOM Caboose: Jamie Tang / Ra, Rich Shipley / RoboRally, Harold Siegelman / Puerto Rico, Stan Hilinski / El Grande