Posted By: Keith Levy, 6/5/2002 3:13:00 PM. Last Modified By: name withheld, . Views: 10224
Sunday, May 5th, 2002. 10:00AM.
Cockeysville Volunteer Fire Hall.
Members in attendance: Scott Buckwalter, Michelle Goldstein, Hal Haag, Dan Hoffman, Doug Hoylman, Eric
Hymowitz, Keith Levy, Neil McIver, JP Roberts, Rich Shipley, Brain Stallings, Denise Stallings, Jamie Tang, Stuart
Keith passed around a copy of the current by-laws.
Several things were on the Agenda:
Keith told the group that there were 66 Games Day attendees so far. Most of those attending the meeting had been
there for the two previous days. On a positive note, there will probably be a surplus generated by Games Day 2002
which can be used to insure that enough advertising is done for the next Games Day.
Discussion of By-Laws and Why. I did not take detailed notes on this, since there were no decisions made, we just
generally agreed that we were on the right track and would continue the current process for refining the by-laws, since
that seemed to be working well and would finish the process and present the final product to Keith and the general
membership for approval when the job is done.
A large discussion occurred concerning active and inactive membership. The consensus of the gathered parties was
that it did not matter much if someone joined and then came back after a long period of inactivity to assume supporting
membership. There was some concern that a "takeover" might be possible this way, but that it was low on the radar.
Keith reported on the results of the Games Day Questionnaire that he had circulated at the event:
Location - good
Name - keep it the same
Date may change due to availability of the location (group was founded in May 1996)
Cost was reasonable
Attendance was up
Another Item was brought up - should a Board Member be in charge of advertising for Games Day and other events?
The consensus was Yes.
Another new gaming location was announced, that being the Silver Spring location which will start soon.
Wei-Hwa Huang announced that he will be moving to California to work for Google and that Doug Hoylman would
be taking over as the new Potomac Host.
The meeting lasted until a little after 11 AM and then gaming was resumed.
Respectfully submitted by the acting Secretary,
Hal Haag
1. Welcome and Thanks
2. GCOM news and Minutes from March 8th meeting.
3. Webmaster report.
4. Discussion of Articles I through IV.
Overview of remaining Bylaws.
5. List of those expressing an interest in Board of Directors positions.
-Keith Levy- President
-Scott Buckwalter –Vice President Or Secretary
-Michelle Goldstein- Vice President or Director at Large
-Rich Shipley-Treasurer
-Hal Haag- Secretary
-Neil McIver-V.P. or Director at Large
-John Paul Roberts III-Director at Large
6. Games Day discussion.
a. Location
b. time of year
c. length of con
d. game schedule
f. attendance/advertising
g. other conventions
7. Discussion of issues brought up by those present